Tai Chi With Attitude

A modernistic americanized approach to a meditative traditional Martial Art. Holistic, but without the New Age mysticism, Taoist, yet pragmatic. A completely different, real-world approach to an esoteric and difficult art.

Friday, August 25, 2006


This video from youtube is perhaps the funniest take-off on martial arts I've ever seen.

Sadly, there's many, many pretenders out there. Funny as it is, I can see this actually happening.


  • At 5:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's WAY funny! That looked like Jim Carey. LOL I'm gonna send this one to me email. I also sent the SouthPark to my email and put it on my blog and referenced back to you. These are great.

  • At 1:11 PM, Blogger Krystalline Apostate said…

    That is Jim Carey. It's from In Living Color.
    Funny but sad. There's too many goofs out there like that.

  • At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have you seen the clip from Napoleon Dynamite? It's even funnier IMO. I linked to it from my post on How to Choose a Bad Martial Arts Instructor.


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